CABRI Guidelines for Catalogue Production
Guidelines prepared for CABRI by BCCM, CBS, CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, HGMP, INRC, MSDN
Data input & authentication Data input and data authentication procedures have been designed and implemented by all collections in order to ensure the quality of information which is stored and used to describe each collection item. Different procedures have been designed, which are specific for biological resource. In order to see them, you must select one of the materials listed below.
Although responsibility of the data is the depositor‘s responsibility, collection centres have to authenticate the data received from them. The authentication of data partly differs from centre to centre, but a CABRI label for quality assurance on data can be obtained when following these recommendations. It is understood that each centre must be able to:
To keep consistency for searching and retrieving from catalogues:
Since it is presumed that catalogues submitted to CABRI will be maintained on a number of different platforms, it is necessary to adopt a standardised approach to certain scientific symbols. To avoid any errors due to incorrect reading of a character set, standard ASCII alternatives to symbols will be used. These alteration must be made before submitting to CABRI for indexing. The alternatives include:
This work cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the CABRI consortium. Site maintained by Paolo Romano. Last revised: February 2023. |