CABRI Guidelines for Catalogue Production Guidelines prepared for CABRI by BCCM, CBS, CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, HGMP, INRC, MSDN These guidelines are meant to produce catalogues in accordance with CABRI quality standards. They are the result of reviewing database and catalogue information from all collection centres, as well as their respective data authentication procedures. Agreed data input rules and authentication procedures are presented in the "Data input & authentication" section. The export format is the format required to enable the loading and indexing of the catalogues on CABRI host and it is described in details and by examples in the "Flat file preparation" section. The way catalogues are transferred to the host is described in the "Flat file submission" section. This procedure is followed to update and to maintain the catalogues.
This work cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the CABRI consortium. Site maintained by Paolo Romano. Last revised: February 2023. |