LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PLANT CELL LINES Appendix REFERENCE NO.:PC/1998/4/1 Appendix 1 STANDARD LETTER: Delibery not possible because of Restrictions <Sender> To <Receiver> <Ref.> DD.MM.YYYY Dear Madam/Sir We have to inform you that a certain permit is needed for the importation of plant cells into your country. We can provide the cell lines only if you initiate the necessary action to obtain the required permit .The cell line can only de delivered if we receive a copy of the documents required for the import of plant cells. We tested our cell lines for contamination by the use of microbial and fungal media and together with the cells we will provide a declaration stating that the cell line is free of fungal and bacterial contamination. Please inform us if you will not apply for a permit and cancel your request. We are looking forward to hearing from you and remain With kind regards Yours Sincerely
<Name of responsible> Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, 20 Jan. 1998
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