LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PLANT CELL LINES REFERENCE NO.: PC/1998/3/1.5 TITLE: PREPARATION HPLC SOLVENTS FOR STANDARD ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION The necessary solvents for the standard HPLC procedure have to be prepared as follows. PROCEDURE 1. Fill the desired volume of water or methanol in a measuring cylinder 2. Add the corresponding volume of phosphoric acid (0.01 % = 100 ml/l) 3. Pass the solvent through a sterile filter (Millipore GVHP 04700, pore size 0.22 mm or equivalent type) into a freshly cleaned glass bottle. 3.1. If necessary install the filter disk into the filtration device and wet the filter with a small volume of methanol. 3.2. Place the filtration device in the hood and close the safety glass plate. 3.3. Force the solvent through the filter by a vacuum pump. 4. Use the glass bottle directly as reservoir for the HPLC device. Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, 20 Jan. 1998
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