LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR PHAGES REFERENCE NO: PH/2003/01/06 TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO SAFETY REGULATIONS INTRODUCTION This procedure is to familiarise (new) staff members with general and some specific safety considerations. Emergency and hazards which could be encountered in the collection are presented. PROCEDURE Instructions on safety aspects, emergency and hazards should be carried out on the day of arrival for each new employee. This introduction should take the form of a general tour of the collection laboratories. The instructor should check each item as it is dealt with, and ensure that the form is signed by instructor and the new staff member: name, date and signature are needed. The completed form is kept in staff files held in the head office. Safety instructions for all staff members have to be repeated at intervals as foreseen by national regulations. The following list is a check list to be used during the introduction tour of new staff members of the collection and for the repeated safety instructions. Due to differences in the national regulations, this list is only an example. Fire precautions
Safety Information
- locations and contents - staff must read relevant forms before beginning work - staff must consider regulations when planning new procedures - storage of hazardous chemicals (toxic compounds, flammables, acids)
- chemical and toxic waste - clean paper - clean plastic - clean glass - contaminated paper, plastic (incl. pipettes, syringes, ...), petri dishes - (contaminated) cannulas - contaminated glass equipment (beakers, flasks, pipettes, ...) - others (batteries, alumina foil, metals, ...)
Information on equipment operation
Safety contacts References The following publications may be useful in establishing a general safety program for biological laboratories: Collins, C.H. et al. (eds.). Safety in Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., Oxford. 1992. ISBN 0 7506 1105 7 Collins, C.H. Laboratory-acquired infections. Third edition. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd., Oxford. 1993. ISBN 0 7506 0642 8 Fleming, D.A. et al. (eds.). Laboratory Safety, Principals and Practices. Second edition. ASM Press, Washington, D.C. 1995. ISBN 1 55581 047 0 Miller, B.M. et al. (eds.). Laboratory Safety: Principals and Practices. American Society of Microbiology, Washington, D.C. 1986. ISBN 0 914826 77 8 Raynburn, St. R. The Foundations of Laboratory Safety. A Guide for the Biomedical Laboratory. Springer-Verlag, New York. 1990. ISBN 0 387 97125 4 WHO. Laboratory Biosafety Manual. Second edition. World Health Organization, Geneva. ISBN 92 4 154450 3 Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ in cooperation with NCCB and NCIMB Page Layout by CERDIC Copyright CABRI, 2004
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