LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR MICROORGANISMS REFERENCE NO.: M/1998/2.07 TITLE: DEPOSITOR CHECK If a strain has passed the quality check of the collection two ampoules of freeze-dried cultures or one tube or flask with an active culture (only from strains stored exclusively in liquid nitrogen) may be sent to the depositor for authenticity check of the strain. A standard letter of the collection (examples are given in M/1998/2.07 Appendix 1) and a reply form for confirming or non-confirming the identify of the strain (M/1998/2.07 Appendix 2) is send to the depositor together with the cultures.If the depositor check of the strain is without complaint, available strain data are prepared by the responsible scientist for strain database and catalogue entry. If the depositor finds that cultures returned are not identical with the strain deposited, the accession process is halted. All existing cultures of the original strain are destroyed. The depositor is asked to send a replacement culture for renewed processing [ M/1998/2.07 Appendix 2].Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, CBS and BCCM, 17 May 1998
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