LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR MICROORGANISMS REFERENCE NO.: M/1998/2.03 TITLE: RECONSTITUTION OR TRANSFER OF CULTURES ON FRESH MEDIUM After receipt of a (freeze)-dried culture the contents of the ampoule are resuspended in 0.5-1.0 ml of sterile growth medium (pre-reduced in the case of anaerobes), transferred to about 5 ml medium and incubated near the optimal growth temperature. One drop of the suspension may be streaked on an appropriate agar medium. Media and other specific conditions (e.g. oxygen relationship, optimum growth temperature, gas phase, requirements for light, etc.) for growing newly deposited strains are recommended, e.g. in the Accession Form. In order to minimize the number of media used in the collection, additional media used for other (similar) collection strains may be applied. One of the latter media may be finally selected for growing the strain for preservation and may be included in the catalogue as the proposed media for growing the strain. Examples of general aspects in preparation and storage of culture media are described in M/1998/2.03 Appendix 1 and M/1998/2.03 Appendix 2. Guidelines prepared for CABRI by DSMZ, CBS and BCCM, 17 May 1998
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