LABORATORY PROCEDURES FOR ANIMAL & HUMAN CELL LINES REFERENCE NO: AHC/1998/4/2.1 TITLE: DESPATCH OF FROZEN AND GROWING CELL CULTURES INTRODUCTION The collections despatch cell lines as frozen vials on dry ice or as growing cultures at the beginning of the week on a weekly basis. PROCEDURE Frozen despatches 1.1 On the Thursday or Friday before despatch date, obtain the preparation location sheet of frozen material 1.2 Remove the ampoules from their original location and store 2 boxes, one marked "Local orders" and the other marked "Foreign orders". Store in liquid nitrogen in designated location and record new locations on location sheet. 1.3 Delete the ampoules removed from the database system. 1.4 On the day of the despatch, put ampoules in grey plastic tubes with cell line order number on the side and place all tubes in box of dry ice. 1.5 Foreign shipment are shipped on Monday, local shipment usually on Thursday. 1.6 The tube is packed in the middle of the polystyrene box half filled with dry ice and then topped up with dry ice Foreign shipment: Large polybox, with 7,5 kg of dry ice Local shipment Small polybox, with 4,5 Kg of dry ice Label each box with the relevant order number and on the cardboard outer. Label each box with the following: URGENT MEDICAL SUPPLIES FRAGILE PLEASE RUSH DRY ICE SHIPMENT TRANSFER AMPOULES TO GAS PHASE NITROGEN DRY ICE 1845, 7 Kg ADDRESS LABEL - CUSTOMER ADDRESS LABEL - COLLECTION 1.7 The information pack is put between the polybox and the cardboard box. The boxes are stacked ready for the courier to collect. Growing despatches 2.1 On the Wednesday or Thursday before despatch, obtain the start up sheet (AHC/1998/4/2.2 Appendix 1) 2.2 Prepare the cell culture flasks with media 2.3 Locate the ampoules and resuscitate the cells according to protocol AHC/1998/3/2.5 2.4 Maintain the cells according to protocols AHC/1998/3/2.1 2.5 On the day of the despatch observe the cells microscopically and if 70-80% viable, prepare the flask by adding 0.5 ml of Penicillin and Streptomycin (50 u/ml Penicillin and 50 µg/ml Streptomycin) and fill to the top with cell culture media. Seal neck of flask with tape. 2.6 Print labels which include cell line name, passage number, CB number and order number. 2.7 Stick label on the side of the flask and clean with alcohol. Hand the flasks and all relevant paperwork to Despatch Unit, who prepare the package the following way: 2.8 Wrap the flask in cotton wool and put in plastic bag, seal and write cell name, order number on bag. 2.9 Put package in small cardboard box and label as in 2.8 2.10 Put package in Jiffy bag with relevant information sheets (see protocol AHC/1998/4/2.2) 2.11 Label Jiffy bag as follows: URGENT MEDICAL SUPPLIES FRAGILE INCUBATE AT 37°C/25°C on arrival ADDRESS LABEL - CUSTOMER ADDRESS LABEL - COLLECTION 2.12 Ship via specific courier
Record keeping 3.1 Record in current cell line order system, date of despatch, and cells not sent 3.2 Record in the current cell despatch system, date of despatch, CB number, cell line name and frozen or growing 3.3 Return despatch note for invoicing to the Finance Department 3.4 File order in completed despatch file or if a part order, in part order file Guidelines prepared for CABRI by CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, INRC, November 1998
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