Cell name: ................................................................................................................................... Alias(es):............................................................................. ........................................................ Depositor name:....................................................................... ................................................... Depositor address:..................................................................... .................................................. Depositor = originator? Y/N Originator of cell line: ................................................................................................................... Address:..................................................................... ................................................................. .. Animal (trivial name) ................................................................................................................... Species ....................................................................................................................................... Strain ..........................................................................sex ..................... age ............................. Organ .......................................................tissue ......................................................................... Cell type ...................................................................................................................................... Morphology ................................................................................................................................. Growth characteristics ................................................................................................................. Receptors .................................................................................................................................... Virus susceptibility ....................................................................................................................... Karyotype .................................................................................................................................... Mutation ...................................................................................................................................... Markers ....................................................................................................................................... Tumour history ............................................................................................................................ Tumorigenic Y/N - Host Species ..................................................................................................
Parent cell line* ........................................................................................................................... Transforming agent* .................................................................................................................... Species Verified: Y/N Method: ..................................... ................................................................................................. Other identity tests used:.............................................................................................................. Products, characteristics of interest etc ....................................................................................... Growth medium ........................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... Split ratio: ................... or (suspension) ........... cells/ml Saturation density ........... Temp .......... oC Passage or Population Doubling No.:............................................................................................ Endogenous viruses ........... Mycoplasma eradicated? Y/N Applications ................................................................................................................................. References (including originator if known).................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... * TRANSFORMED CELLS ONLY
BIOHAZARD STATEMENT (To be included with all deposits) CATEGORY OF DEPOSIT European Collection - General[ ] European Collection - Immunoclone/Hybridoma[ ] Cell Paten[ ] Cell Safe[ ] DNA Probe Collection[ ] Recombinant DNA Patent[ ] Recombinant DNA Safe[ ] Virus Patent[ ] Virus Safe[ ] Plant Culture Patent[ ] Plant Culture Safe[ ] Embryo Safe[ ] Does the above deposit represent an infectious toxic, or allergenic hazard YES/NO* If yes, please give details and any associated hazard category (eg ACDP category) Does the above deposit contain genetically manipulated material YES/NO* If yes, please enclose a general description and answer the following: a. is the material DNA/RNA* YES/NO* b. is the material present in a host organism YES/NO* c. is the genetic material readily transferred to environmental organisms YES/NO* d. is the genetic material likely to be expressed as protein YES/NO* e. what is the category of this material under ACGM regulations i.e., i. containment level ii. GMO type For any positive responses to b-d please give details: Please supply any further details which would be relevant to assessing the safe handling conditions for materials to be deposited at ECACC. Signed ............................................................................................. Date ...../...../..... Print name ..................................................................................... Please note that deposits which are, or contain, animal pathogens require an import licence into the EC. Please allow 8 weeks for this process, and submit information requested by ECACC for licence applications as quickly as possible * delete as appropriate BIOHAZARDOUS AGENTS
Should you wish to send cells or organisms which fall within the ACDP definition of pathogens, additional requirements must be met for shipment.
Labelled frozen material must be placed in a sealed primary container. Use a separate container for each cell or organism type. Absorbent material sufficient to hold the full volume of liquid must be placed around the container(s). These are placed in a screw capped metal container sealed with waterproof tape and which has 'Biohazard' (symbol), 'Etiological Agents/Biomedical Material' and senders address labels attached to the outside. The metal container must then be fixed inside a polystyrene shipping container so that it will not move after dry ice is added. Placing it in the dry ice is not acceptable. The shipping container must be labelled as in paragraph 6 above plus the additional labels: a. Biohazard sign b. Description of the agent and amount c. Infectious substances affecting (e.g. humans etc) d. Perishable! Biologicals for Medical Research e. Senders name and address f. With one orientation arrow pointing to the top of the box Labelled non-frozen material must be placed in a plastic bag with enough absorbent material to hold the full volume of liquid and then sealed. This is placed in a screw capped metal container and sealed with waterproof tape. Shock absorbing material is placed around the container and the whole placed in a rigid shipping container. This must be labelled with a. Biohazard sign b. Description of the agent and amount c. Infectious substances affecting (e.g. human etc) d. Perishable! Biologicals for Medical Research e. Senders name and address f. With one orientation arrow pointing to the top of the box If you require any further information please contact the ECACC office Tel: +44 1980 612512, Fax: +44 1980 611315. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS The following information is a guide for those wishing to send materials to the ECACC for any category of deposit. Frozen ampoules are preferred, particularly for large numbers of cell lines. Recommended ampoule size is, diameter 13mm, height 50mm, e.g. Nunc cryotubes number 368632, Costar number 2082.
Number of ampoules sent Estimated arrival date and time Flight details i.e. airway bill number, flight number FROZEN MATERIALS Dry ice - keep frozen (and state the weight of dry-ice) Transfer contents to liquid nitrogen on arrival Perishable! Biologicals for Medical Research With orientation arrows pointing to the top of the box With the senders name, address and telephone number GROWING CULTURES In the case of materials being given to the collection (collection deposits) these can be received as growing cultures. Again they must be well insulated against temperature changes and packed with enough material to absorb all the culture liquid should a leakage occur. The outer packaging must be rigid, waterproof and labelled as follows: Perishable! Biological for Medical Research DO NOT REFRIGERATE For further information contact the Information Centre for European Culture Collections to obtain a copy of 'Instructions for Shipping Non-Infectious and Infectious Biological Substances 1993'. Fax +49 531 2616 418 Guidelines prepared for CABRI by CERDIC, DSMZ, ECACC, INRC, November 1998
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